Driving schools
Driving schools
eAutokoulu is a modern and easy-to-use solution for driving school customer management.
eAutokoulu is a modern and easy-to-use learning environment.
No start-up fee - Free user training - 100% satisfaction guarantee
Teaching management
Features for students
Staff, customers, vehicles and teaching facilities
Appointments for driving and theory lessons
Course management and your own registration page
Accounting according to curriculum
Products and product packages
Invoice and sales ledger
Teaching contracts
Printable forms
Registration for courses
Driving and theory lesson schedules
Electronic textbooks and instructional videos
Theory exam practice
Teacher's lesson material
Safety training (EAS)
Risks detection training (RTK)
Upgrade training for Class A
Class A 6h theory package
Class B 4h theory package
Special features of class AM
Education for driving ban
C1 and C1E training material
BE-training material
Safe on the road - trainer material
Video storage
"We are satisfied"
We have used eAutokoulu's teacher material from the beginning and have been satisfied with it.
Elimäen liikennekoulu, Jani Juvankoski
"Customer-oriented functionalities"
We have been using student management in all of our offices for over two years and the functionalities have been developed in a customer-oriented manner.
Alavuden Autokoulu, Jukka Perälä
"Extensive services"
We use eAutokoulu's student management, and all the learning materials and also the heavy class are available.
Pulkkilan Autokoulu, Juhani Kronqvist
"A clear wholeness"
The teacher's material is a clear wholeness that provides a good basis for education.
Autokoulu Nyyssönen, Ari Nyyssönen